Consumer Welfare Fund

Education of consumers specially through awareness programmes in school/college/markets/other public place


A well functioning market economy needs educated consumers with the power to influence the market through their rational decisions when confronted with choice. An informed consumer will also be protected from trade and business-related exploitation. It’s therefore important to create an increased level of awareness on consumer rights and these consumers have to be educated about rights and responsibilities through concerted publicity and awareness campaigns.

Our PACE Conducting ‘Education of consumers specially through awareness programmes in school/college/markets/other public place’ under Consumer Welfare Fund in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh.  This programme sponsored by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food &Public Distribution, Government of India.

Objectives of the programme:


  • To produce quality IEC material relevant to Project Concept.
  • To generate meaningful awareness in different target groups through viable and relevant contact and communication modes.
  • To produce valuable and committed resource Persons through Training of Trainers.
  • To facilitate continuation of activism in the target groups through the capacitated services of the Resource Persons.
  • To popularize easy to learn, retain and use the simplified Consumer Act tailor made to the target group.
  • To make available the valuable IEC materials of the Project at Educational Institutions, Libraries and other identified needy places.
  • To bring in the most wanted change in attitude of the target groups to be able to question and adopt the provisions of the redressal mechanism.